New autumn Semester '24

The only true Christian life is the Spirit-led life. Everything in the believer’s life is a product of the Holy Spirit from beginning to end. [read more]It all begins with what Jesus called the new birth. “Jesus answered, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God’” (John 3:5). When an individual hears the word of God and accepts it into his heart, he becomes a member of a completely new race, born of the Holy Spirit. This person is regenerated by the Spirit and given the nature of God. Everything from this point on is a matter of learning to walk in, or be led by, the Holy Spirit, who is in perfect harmony with God and God’s written word, the Bible. Almost all religions, including Christian religions, are not Spirit-led. They are led by people, not by God. As long as one follows another person or a religious organization, he is not following God. All the problems in life, the church, and the world at large are the product of those who call themselves Christians but are unable to understand how to live the Spirit-led life. Learning to walk and live a Spirit-led life takes careful practice and  hard work. It happens by accident. In this course, you will discover the time-tested, biblical methods necessary to understand how to live the Spirit-led life and enjoy all of its benefits. [/read]

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Certificate Programs

Accredited Courses

Course 1

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course description

  • 20 lessons
  • reading
  • multiple choice
  • diploma of completion

There is no substitute for a good foundation. Topics covered include: redemption, the Holy Spirit, healing, praise and worship, prayer, repentance, the authority of God’s word, inner healing, and much more…

Course 2

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course description

  • 11 lessons
  • reading
  • embedded audio
  • multiple choice
  • diploma of completion

Jesus instructed his followers to keep God’s commandments if they wanted to be spiritually mature. The Ten Commandments are a divine revelation from God and what the Holy Spirit works in the lives of those who turn to Him in faith and follow in His footsteps…

Course 3

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course description

  • 20 lessons
  • reading
  • embedded audio
  • video exposition
  • multiple choice
  • diploma of completion

The seven redemptive names of God is a progressive revelation of the nature and character of the first member of the divine godhead, the Father. God the Father has revealed to humanity the way in which He wants His children to think of Him. They reveal the 7 fundamental ways in which the Father cares for His children, including as their provider (Jehovah Jireh), their healer (Jehovah Raffa) and his shepherd (Jehovah Rah)…

Undergraduate Studies

First Year

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1st Semester
Christian Foundations
The Doctrine of the Scriptures
Living by Faith
The Doctrine of Salvation
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
2nd Semester
Christian Roots I.
Prayer and Worship
How to Save a Soul
The Family of God (Church)
Prosperity and Giving

Second Year

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3rd Semester
Victorious Living
How to Increase Your Faith
The Power of Hope
The Founders I. – Luther
The Great Commandment
4th Semester
Christian Roots II.
Tongues of Fire
The Doctrine of Healing
The New Creation
The Book of First Peter

Third Year

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5th Semester
The Word of Faith
The Life of Christ
The Spiritual Man
The Prayer Life
The Doctrine of Man
6th Semestre
The Gifts of the Spirit
The Book of Romans
The Great Feasts of Israel
Abraham – Friend of God

Fourth Year

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7th Semester
The Servant of God
The Kingdom of Heaven
The Fruit of the Spirit
The Temple of the Lord
Waiting on God
8th Semester
The Doctrine of the Church
The Lord’s Table
Special Services
The Minister of God
The Good Shepherd